Pull up on the right - Automatic tutorial

Will Dracott • 23 October 2024

Online driving tutorial - Pull up on the right

The first maneuver you should learn

On paper, the pull up on the right manoeuvre looks by far the easiest of the four you could get come test day. However, there are potential pitfalls you will want to avoid. 

Whilst driving, the examiner will ask you to pull up on the right when it is safe to do so. They'll ask you to then reverse two car lengths, keeping reasonably close to the kerb. Once completed, you'll then pull away and re-join traffic when it is safe to do so.


It takes longer to pull up on the right than it does the left, so make sure you choose a decent size gap to park in. You'd be wanting to park somewhere safe, legal and convenient as usual. (Don't park on narrow streets, in front of drive ways, on bends etc). Try to not park in front of another car as it will obstruct your view and make leaving difficult.

You'd be expected to perform an MSM routine for this manoeuvre, but first LADA (Look, Asses, Decide and Act). After identifying the gap you'd want to park in (make sure it's easy to get in and out of), check your interior and right door mirror for things looking to pass you on your right. Be sure to consider the oncoming traffic too. You can't afford to slow down oncoming vehicles, stop if necessary to allow them to pass before pulling over.

Signal to the right to let all road users know you wish to move in that direction.

Then when safe, make your way across to the other side of the street. Aim the vehicle around several car lengths before the spot where you intend to park, we need this extra space for straightening up. It's essential to finish up parallel to the kerb as any angle from the car in towards (facing) the kerb would see you coming back into the street on the reversing section.

It could be worth checking your right door mirror here to see if you're in line with the kerb or not. If you're wonky, fix it by going forwards.  It's far easier than doing it going backwards.

You can't slow down oncoming cars for this exercise.  So if you have a good spot lined up, but are worried about the oncoming traffic, it's fine to stop and wait for them to pass before moving across the road.  Don't worry about the cars behind, they have to wait for you.

online driving lesson on parking on the right hand side of the road

The reverse element

Apply the hand brake and put the car into neutral when done.  The examiner will then ask you to reverse back two lengths when ready.  So you'll need to POM

Footbrake down, into reverse gear and take the hard brake off.

The observe thoroughly all around you, finishing off with a right hand side blind spot check.  Be sure to be looking over your left shoulder before releasing the brake and slowly come back two car lengths.   You should be so slow coming back you can check in multiple places for danger, two or three times over.  If vehicles are driving towards you, stop when they are close.  Around 2/3 car lengths away. 

reversing on the right side of the road

Judgement time

Once you've come back the required amount, the examiner will ask you to drive away when you're ready.

POM again. So into a forwards gear.

Observe checking for on-coming traffic, your interior mirror, left door mirror and left shoulder blind spot check.  Picking the right gap is crucial here.  It's not just a maneuvering exercise, but a judgement one.  Picking out the speed of oncoming and rear coming vehicles can be tricky simultaneously.

Signal when you're about to go and move away with purpose, back to your side of the road and get up to speed when safe.

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