For those wondering how driving tests are to proceed with Corona still present, and fears of a second a wave, you're not alone. With 3 months worth of Covid-19 driving tests cancelled, candidates were expecting emails on July 22nd informing them how to re-book. But for the majority, that email has yet to materialise. As the British government u-turns several times a day regarding all things Covid-19 related, the driving industry hasn't been spared from its indecision.
The plan seems to be for those who were due tests shortly after lock-down, to be granted access to the booking system first. How many are in this initial batch is unknown. They will have a week to act in securing a new test slot. Then the next wave of learners will be contacted and, we're assuming, the same weeks grace will be given. How long it takes to process this back log, is anyone's guess. Three to six months could be the eye-watering figure.
Once this has been cleared, new test candidates will be permitted to access the booking system.
Be ready for a very long wait if you're a new candidate. The DVSA advice on tests states that some test centres have been closed for over 12 weeks. A deep clean is needed, including ridding water supplies of legionaries disease at test centres.
Some examiners may not return to work leading to a severely reduced service. If a test centre has a high number of older, or high risk category examiners, they may not be allowed/want to come back to work. This will result in less tests taking place, further exacerbating the problem.
The planned changes laid out currently by the DVSA are as follows:
Most of these rules seem like common sense. Having said that, several of the bullet points have been amended over the past week: including the mandatory use of face masks. The most notable change is the immediate return to the test centre should a candidate fail. This is a real shame as the candidate has paid for that time with an examiner. It's still possible to learn experience after committing a major mistake during your test.
How long Covid-19 driving tests will be affected for is yet to be seen.