Now the UK has left the European Union there are going to be some huge changes to driving laws that we need to all be aware of. From international travel to improved road safety. This article is here to highlight and simplify them all for you.
GB sticker, brexit law changes, driving law changes
Due to leaving the EU, driving laws here see the most changes. Anyone driving their own car over onto the continent will need a green card from your insurance provider. It will act as evidence that your vehicle is insured. Give yourself several weeks to apply and to receive it as it could take a while to arrive apparently. If your trip is under a year long, you'll need to keep your V5C logbook in the glove box. More info on that here.
Hired or leased vehicles, will need to take a VE103 form which proves it's allowed to leave the UK.
Some countries will require you to take out an international permit to drive there. Check before leaving.
Your licence plate must also contain the GB logo on it, or have a GB sticker on the car if the plate is lacking the flags.
The driving laws on mobile phone use have tightened up considerably. Anyone driving and holding a phone in any way is now breaking the rules. That includes scrolling through a play-list or holding a sat-nav. If caught, it's a £200 fine and 6 points on your licence.
Several planned LEZs for 2020 around the country have been pushed back to 2021. Bristol being one of them. Prices here to enter the CAZ for old or polluting vehicles (diesel pre 2017 and petrol pre 2006) are around £9 for most vehicles.
Bath is due to commence their clean air zone in March and London's is due to be extended.
A new, cleaner type of fuel is thought to be released this year at pumps across the country. It's estimated the effect will be the equivalent of taking 350,000 cars off of the road.
The government has green lighted this hands free system for later in the year. Essentially drivers will be able to take their hands off of the wheel and the sensors on the car will prevent the vehicle from colliding with everything around them. Apparently. Can anyone else see this going very, very wrong?
All electric and zero emission vehicles will have to have green plates in an attempt to promote them. They will be exempt from CAZs payments and have access to free parking.
The green section will be a flash or stripe on the left hand side of the plate. So... not really a green plate then.