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Emerging left will be the focus of this tutorial. If you're unfamiliar with how to get the car moving off, I strongly recommend developing this skill before attempting too much of this.
Emerging can be troublesome for some learners as this is when we start to really use the clutch. Remember the clutch is only used for changing gear, preventing the car from stalling and moving away. You'll be using the clutch for all three reasons each time you emerge.
On approach to junctions look out for road signs, such as give way triangles. To begin with, have it in your mind that you'll stop at these. Later on, when you're more proficient, you'll only have to stop if there is something to give way to.
We must always stop at stop signs. No matter how clear we believe it to be. I'd personally recommend getting into the habit of always applying the handbrake for stop lines. You'll then definitely have brought the car to a stand still.
Once again, like with approaching, we will use the M-S-M routine.
Interior mirror first, then the left door mirror. Here you're looking for cyclist coming up on your left hand side.
Signal to the left, making sure you don't signal too early, as this could be misleading to others behind you and not too late so to give plenty of time to those behind to act on what they see you are doing.
You'll need to reduce your speed progressively. Practise early braking, you can do this after checking the mirrors.
Your position should not change much at first, stay in your normal driving position. Be aware that some kerbs open out at the mouth of the road and you'll be expected to maintain this gap and follow the kerb round.
At the end of the road we have give way markings. This far back we can not see if there is anything to give way to, so we have to assume we're stopping. That's why as soon as you think you have the momentum to make it to the end of the street, we dip the clutch.
Your left foot must stay down.
You'll then need to take the gear stick and select 1st. This is because we're arriving at the end of the road prepared to POM.
We're going to be moving away from a stationary position (or at least a very low speed) and the car will need 1st gear for that.
This final car length or so before the end of the street, I feel, is the key to successful emerging. Almost everyone observes too early here. You'll do it as a passenger without even realising it. Do not look to the right too soon. If you're not looking at the give-way lines, how can you stop at them? If you're not looking at the curve of the kerb, how can you follow it round?
Focus on following the kerb round and when the give way lines vanish under the bonnet/dashboard, this is when you'll be able to observe effectively down the street to the right.
Keep whatever turn you've applied to the left on. You'll need this to maintain a good position coming out into the new road.
At this point, your left foot is on the clutch. Your right on the foot brake. The car is in 1st gear.
You look left and right as many times as you need to and when you feel it's safe (when you wont slow anyone down by leaving) you come off the brake. Apply some gas, find the bite, the engine will engage the wheels and off you go.
Once you've practised emerging left a dozen times or so and feel that you're able to judge when to dip the clutch, make it to the end of the road and arrive in 1st gear, you're ready for the next challenge.