The forwards bay parking manoeuvre is the easier of the two bay parks. Students often get worked up over getting into the parking bay, it's the reversing element you want to worry about, plus navigating around a car park. This cheat sheet is designed for non-driving instructors to print out and to use when practising with friends and family.
When asked to turn into a car park, assume it's going to be chaotic and that you'll need to be stopping. Perhaps even use an emerging route as you come in, ready to stop. Which the examiner will ask of you at some stage once in.
They will ask you to choose a parking bay, park bonnet first, then reverse out paying due regard to other road users, then to leave the car park.
Once you're in the parking bay, the examiner will thank you, then ask you to leave. Make sure you know which way the exit is and identify if there is a one way system in place. Arrows on the floor is a good way to figure this out.