Approaching right is more challenging than turning left, however, the routine is the same, 'M-S-M'.
Firstly on approach, look for signs that may assist you and the hazard lines on the road. Because we are moving right we need to check our interior mirror, followed by our right door mirror. Check to see if there are any cars or motorcycles trying to over-take you.
Then apply the indicator to the right, timing it correctly.
Your position, depending on the width of the road, may need to change. Drift slightly from the left and get the hazard lines running down the right flank of the car. You can use the lines on the ground to help you with this. The lines should appear close to the bottom right of the windscreen.
Your speed needs to gradually reduce. Approach speed should be between 10 to 12 mph. Use the foot-brake for this and also change down into 2nd gear if you were in 3rd. This will also help with the speed. Make sure you come off the clutch after you have changed gear; otherwise you are coasting and have little control of the vehicle. The gear change is help with engine braking, reducing your speed further.
The looking section of the routine has more to it than approaching left. When turning right we must consider the cars coming towards us. If you could cross the road walking without being run over, then you can drive across. Remember, you never want to make another car slow down or change direction for you. If you do have to stop, that's fine.
The point of turn for approaching right is crucial. Make sure you do not cut the corner of the new road. To avoid this, hold off with your turn and wait until the front of the car is level with the hazard lines of the new road. If you can't visualise this, wait until those lines extend out and hit the top of the right door mirror (photo 1).
Cutting the corner can cause many problems for road users exiting the new road. When you make your turn, have your right hand high on the steering wheel to give maximum leverage and try your best to get a 90 degree angle into the new road. If you do it correctly, you will be straight into your new driving position immediately and will impress the examiner immensely.
Start to take the turn off half way round the bend, straighten the wheels on the road, squeeze down on the gas, make some progress and finish with a mirror check.
Position. It's very tempting to drift from the left the moment you're given instructions to turn right. Make sure you use your mirrors and signal first. Most roads aren’t wide enough to take up this new position, if it's a narrow road, stay on your side in your normal driving position for making the turn. Otherwise you'll be driving on the wrong side of the road!
Everyone wants the junction over and done with, but don't be too eager to complete it. This usually leads to drifting out of position, being on the wrong side of the road, cutting the corner and then not being in your normal driving position for several car lengths in the new road. Remember to be angular with the turn and hold off until the last moment.